Le musée est ouvert tous les jours

Atelier créatif : Tout un cirque !

Inspirez-vous de ce lieu animé et drôle pour créer arlequins, clowns et acrobates avec pleins de couleurs et d'imagination. Réalisez un cirque coloré avec des animaux en papier canson.

Je réserve ma place



Le dimanche 25 septembre à 10h30


6 - 12 ans




8€50 / enfant

Expositions temporaires

This historic house was built way back in 1700 and since then it’s been awarded several time for its extraordinary beauty. We want you to be part of our museums, experience its beauty and this is why we offer several ways to let you engage with us to help maintain and develop the museums. Whether you are a student aspiring a career in social work or a business person who loves to preserve and care about the ocal history or a couple looking to get married in an awesome traditional way. We have everything for all of you. Become a member today!

Learn more