American Friends of Musée de Montmartre

The Musée de Montmartre focuses on exhibiting the works of artists who lived in the Montmartre neighborhood of Paris in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The goal of the American Friends of Musée de Montmartre (AFMM) is to raise awareness among Americans and provide additional financial support (on a tax-deductible basis) for the Museum’s activities. The AFMM supports exhibitions, educational activities and additions to the permanent collection of the Museum. The AFMM receives contributions through a 501(c)(3) organization, Myriad USA.
Reasons to contribute to American Friends of Musée de Montmartre
✓ Be part of a generous community of people who love art and history
✓ Contribute to the development of the Museum
✓ Support the preservation of the cultural and artistic heritage of Montmartre
✓ Enjoy admission to the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions at the Musée de Montmartre and participate in other exclusive events
✓ Choose the level of donation that you wish
About the Museum
In the heart of Montmartre, this charming and atypical Museum is settled in the old houses of the neighborhood. The Museum’s buildings are surrounded by gardens and were where many renowned artists worked (e.g., Auguste Renoir, Emile Bernard, Raoul Dufy)... You can also see the studio-apartment of Suzanne Valadon (the first woman ever admitted to the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts).
The permanent collection presents the rich history of Montmartre, the excitement of its workshops and the atmosphere of its famous cabarets, from the Lapin Agile to the Moulin Rouge. The collection includes paintings, posters and drawings by Toulouse-Lautrec, Modigliani, Kupka, and Steinlen among many others. The Museum also has an area dedicated to the Chat Noir cabaret, with an exceptional collection of zinc panels used in the cabaret’s shadow theater and paintings by Steinlen that decorated the Chat Noir.
Each year the Museum puts on at least two special exhibitions.
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Make a donation

The American Friends of Musée de Montmartre is established at Myriad USA since 2019 as section 501 (c.) (3) nonprofit public charitable organization.
Alternative ways to give:
✓ By check
Write your check to Myriad USA, write "Musée de Montmartre" in the memo section of the check, and send it to Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176.
✓ By wire transfer or to contribute other types of property
Email Myriad USA at: or phone (212) 713 7660.
We thank the American Friends of Musée de Montmartre for its constant support:
Our Advisory Board:
Patricia Nebenzahl, Vice President
Phillip Dennis Cate
Timothy Hanford
Dominique Zuercher

Our major donors:
Lise Adkins and Tom Murphy
Jeff Atlas
Susan Bernardo
Charlie Bernardo
Timothy Hanford
Adrienne and Dennis Hensley
Maureen Macfadden
Cinnamin Malone
Jacqueline Michel
Jocelyn Nebenzahl
Patricia Nebenzahl
Barbara Smith
David Weisman
Vicki and Robert Weisman
Gary & Dominique Zuercher